Friday, July 21, 2006

New/older computer

Dad and I were talking yesterday about if I had considered going into some PDA (Personal Data Assistiant, like Palm Pilots and Pocket PCs) programming. Since they are becoming popular, the ability to write software for them might be a very valuable asset. Then I began to think how I needed to do a lot more Windows Programming. Hence I bought a older computer off of ebay:
1.13 ghz
256 Ram
20 Gb Hard Drive
Windows XP
I plan on hooking it up with a KVM (keyboard, video, Mouse, It lets you used two computers with the same keyboard, screen and mouse.) This way I can program in windows, hit a key and be back in my Linux desktop.
I hope to be able to write software faster this way because before I had to use my laptop, and that was hard to sit at for hours. Now I can sit at my desktop with a DEDICATED Development Enviroment (ok, I pulled that out of thin air...) at my fingertips! :)



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