Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Got my School bill today...
I need another program to write. I'm done with the ones for SermonAudio and Shepherd Press, now I need another program to write sooooo.......please feel free to leave a comment and let me know if there is a program that you think would benefit YOU or others. Don't be afraid to ask, if it is something that I feel is far beyond my skills I will have to decline. So if there is something that you wish your computer would do for you that it doesn't do now, let me know. :)
We made a lean-to in the "Boy's Club" I have been helping with at church. The boys liked it, but it is so hard to keep their attention, they seem to thrive on being disruptive and loud.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
I'm sitting here at church. We have been staying here all day since it is such a long drive up and back. I DID get a nap, so thats good, but it's been pretty dull.
We had a great sermon today. Pastor Tripp has been going through Isaiah, and he went through the 5 or so verses before chapter 53. He really stressed the sacrifice that was required be Jesus and willingness to stand the beatings in order to accomplish redemption for those he loved. He also touched on another important aspect, one that Dad has been preaching about when he gets the opportunity. That is that since before creation God has been working out the plan of the crucifiction. Often we (or I have in the past) assume the God got so fed up with our sin that Jesus decided to die for us. However this can not be in light of the promise in Genesis to Adam and Abraham.
Friday, July 21, 2006
New/older computer
1.13 ghz
256 Ram
20 Gb Hard Drive
Windows XP
I plan on hooking it up with a KVM (keyboard, video, Mouse, It lets you used two computers with the same keyboard, screen and mouse.) This way I can program in windows, hit a key and be back in my Linux desktop.
I hope to be able to write software faster this way because before I had to use my laptop, and that was hard to sit at for hours. Now I can sit at my desktop with a DEDICATED Development Enviroment (ok, I pulled that out of thin air...) at my fingertips! :)
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Perhaps I have said before that I have been asking God to show me how to best use my skills for His appears He is showing me! I got this done, and I now I have to see if the Program I wrote for our Church's publishing company is suitable. I'd like to keep doing this.
Hence, I put up this webpage.
Comments are welcome about how it looks. :) I also found a website that allows Christian Programmers to get in touch with a business, Christian or not, to write software. I looked at it but most of the stuff is out of my skill level.
Speaking of skill level, I have been trying to increase what knowledge I have by buying books! When I have the money I'll buy a few (well ok, few is relative, I once bought 9 books at once from ebay but only because they were sold together, I DID use them all, they are very handy. ;) )
I now have probably around 30-50 books, but there are many yet that I'd like to get, a lot of subjects that I know nothing about. :)
Well, It's about 8:45, so I'll be getting stuff around for tomorrow!
-Paulie --yeah, see previous post, it don't bother me no long as it aint "Polly" :)
Friday, July 14, 2006
I have spent most of my day on this and I've had the same experience today that I'd had at other time that I'm writting a stubborn piece of software: "At the end of the day, you know more about programming than you did before." I learned a lot just these past few days working on all of the these programs.
My Program's Downloads skyrocket!

I had two HUNDRED downloads yesterday! My average is about 20 per day, but I wonder if somehow my program made the front page of popular website and people downloaded it.
My project also jumped into the top 2,000 projects of this website: .
Thursday, July 13, 2006
I taught the Boy's club last night at church. I had a really nice outline and examples. I believe it became evident that I don't have the gift of teaching. It went ok, but the kids looked bored, and I ended almost 15 mins early. I should have gone through my outline before and created in my head a flow of how things would go. It was just Ben and Me, there is usually two other guys there. but oh well, it's done now.
I have to get a hepatitis B shot before going to school soon. I'm not looking forward to it because I hear it makes your arm sore, and I have to work. I don't know why I need it...hep B is an STD...not going to be a problem, but I'll get it anyway.
I'm working on a program for They feature over 900,000 sermons in MP3. The have a program for windows so that members can download more than 1 mp3 at a time. It also allows churches to upload their sermons to the site. I have already made two programs for them. The first downloads the mp3 like the windows one, but it works in the linux OS ( The second is similar except it downloads the videos of the sermons if there are any.
This program will allow Linux users to upload their sermons quickly, without having to be open a web browser. This program has actually been requested by a man who runs the sound at a church, and wanted a quick way to upload his sermons once they are recorded.
I will be doing the other program for our church's publishing company soon. I believe this is for the book that our Pastor's brother, Paul Tripp, wrote, called "Case for Kids"
It will hopefully be much easier to do with only a background and one button.
I'm really starting to appreciate my switch from Cyber Security to Programming. I'm looking over the classes at the new school, and I'm excited to see what other aspects of computer programming I can learn.
Also, If Grandpa Simpson reads this (or if not Grandma Simpson can tell him... :))
You were right! Binary and hexadecimal are important! I've learned them backwards and forwards and they are the backbone of everything we do with computers. :)
Guess that's it,
Paul - now also known by almost EVERYONE as "Paulie" :)